Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Columbus Schools Partnership Program Offers A Variety Of Programs For Students

The Columbus Schools partnership programs will continue into the 2006-2007 school year. These programs are conducted jointly with Columbus Schools and local and state universities, colleges, academic organizations, community organizations and area volunteers. The programs are wide ranging and cover lots of different subjects and grade levels.

Columbus Schools Art Ventures Partnership Program

The Art Ventures Partnership Program is a program that jointly works with Columbus Schools elementary schools and The Wexner Center for the Arts. This program was created primarily for the fourth grade students and fourth grade teachers and all elementary school arts teachers. As a part of the program, fourth grade students will visit the Wexner Center for the Arts three times per school year. Each visit will focus on a different art program including visual arts and performing arts. There will also be lessons created by the Wexner Center for the Arts that include studio activities and interactive tours. The employees of the Wexner Center for the Arts will visit the Columbus Schools classrooms to prepare students and teachers prepare for visits and lessons. The Wexner Center for the Arts started the program in 1993 and now works with 45 elementary schools. The Wexner Center for the Arts aims to give the schools with connections to their regular curriculum. The Arts Venture Program provides students with an understanding the purpose and need for arts in society and can point out examples of art embedded in our environment.

Columbus Schools Global School Bus

The Global School Bus Partnership Program is a joint cooperation between Columbus Schools Mifflin Alternative and Ohio State Universitys Office of International Affairs. This program brings an international connection to the prekinder- 12 classrooms. The Global School Bus Partnership Program uses presentations and hand-on activities about cultures from around the world. The countries that have been included in the program in past years are: France, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, South Africa, India, Taiwan, British West Indies, England, Italy, Bolivia, Greece, Mongolia, Ecuador, Chile, Japan, Quebec, Nepal, Ireland, Spain, Pakistan, Turkey, Cameroon, Germany, Poland, Russia, Czech Republic, China, Hong Kong, Mexico, Argentina, Australia, East Africa, Tanzania, and Indonesia. The project has citizens and experts from these and other countries share information on a variety of topics, including music, food, dance, customs and lifestyles, biodiversity, calligraphy, climate, international affairs, schools, and education with students in their classrooms.

Columbus Schools Buckeye Mentoring Hub

This partnership program is a large program that involves Columbus Schools members Como Elementary, Cranbrook Elementary, Crestview Middle School, Hubbard Elementary, Indianola Middle School, Whetstone High School; The Mentoring Center; the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Ohio; and Ohio State University students. The project gives Ohio State students with a real opportunity to apply some of the educational strategies they study. Students will work with urban students who need to work on their leadership skills and negotiation skills. Mentoring is a great way for students to deal with youth violence. Started in 2004, the Buckeye Mentoring Hub has recruited, trained, and placed over 300 Ohio State student mentors with students in the Columbus Schools.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on Columbus schools visit Blog63327
Andi Blog87726

Companies Without Strategies Are Heading For Tragedies

Many businesses are still focusing on yesterdays problems at the expense of forgoing future opportunities. The best chess players always have a strategy in place. But in businesses, future planning seems to play second fiddle to analyzing of past performance. Architects would not build a house without the architectural plans because selecting the wrong layout or laying the wrong foundation or using the wrong building materials could result in disaster. The house can collapse on you after you move in. A strategic plan is the architectural blueprint for your business.

Executives always have the excuse for not doing strategic planning. They reckon that things are changing so rapidly. It does not make sense to do ten or even five year planning as events will change and it is not possible to preempt changes any more. It is true that nowadays environment changes are very rapid and that makes long-term planning even more difficult. Non-strategic planning companies give the excuse that planning results in paralysis through too much analysis. It is also true that some companies cover their backs with expensive market research and spreadsheet analyses.

However, one should not throw out the baby with the bath water. As a matter of fact, it is even more critical to have strategic planning during turbulent and rapidly changing environment. It is like the Titanic, which had the most modern technology in her times but did not plan for eventuality and disaster when it hit the iceberg. We are living in difficult times today and tomorrow things may be worse. With the possible threats such as terrorist attacks, infectious diseases like SARS, bird flu, mad-cow diseases etc, it will be naive for any CEOs to think that they are immune or protected.

One must not be fooled into thinking that a company is successful because it has a good strategic planning system in place. Your success may be coincidentally due to a buoyant market or weak competition. Also, one must not be mistaken that the use of processes such as the annual budget is tantamount to application of strategic planning. If the data is purely internal that is sales figures and product costs, it is not strategic planning. You need to factor in the external factors such as customer data, competition, economic trends, etc.

Also, studies of successful companies such as IBM, Procter and Gamble, 3M found that new innovations and great ideas do not originate from the centralized strategic planning department at the headquarters. Most of the good ideas and innovations were generated from outside the industry or the people who regularly interact with the customers. Strategic planning must not remain in its ivory tower but should incorporate the realities of the ground.

The former chairman of General Electric (US), Jack Welch drew on the strategies of the Prussian general and military writer Clausewitz, Karl von (1780 1831). One of Clausewitzs theories included an explanation of why a military leader could not devise a complete battle plan and then stick blindly to it: Man could not reduce strategy to a formula. Detailed planning necessarily failed, due to the inevitable frictions encountered. Strategy was not a lengthy action plan. It was the evolution of a central idea through continually changing circumstances.

His own strategic thinking matched that of the general. He constantly reinvented GE over the years as circumstances and the competitive environment shifted. There was an evolution to Welchs strategic thinking and each major initiative built on the one that preceded it. He would wage one battle and then wait to see how the results panned out. In tracing the evolution of GE during his tenure, Welch has drawn a stair-step-like chart that depicts the stages of GEs culture change. Work-Out laid the foundation for Best Practices, which created a platform for Process Improvement such as Six Sigma, etc. Preparation of a strategic plan may not guarantee success but failure to do so is certainly a recipe for disaster.

Dr Mike Teng (DBA, MBA, BEng, FIMechE, FIEE, CEng, PEng, FCMI, FCIM, SMCS) is the author of the best-selling business book Corporate Turnaround: Nursing a sick company back to health, in 2002. In 2006, he authored another book entitled, Corporate Wellness: 101 Principles in Turnaround and Transformation. Dr Teng is widely recognized as a turnaround CEO in Asia by the news media. He has 27 years of experience in corporate responsibilities in the Asia Pacific region. Of these, he held Chief Executive Officers positions for 17 years in multi-national, local and publicly listed companies. He led in the successful turnaround of several troubled companies. He is currently the Managing Director of a business advisory firm, Corporate Turnaround Centre Pte Ltd, which assists companies on a fast track to financial performance. Dr Teng was the President of the Marketing Institute of Singapore (2000 2004), the national body representing some 5000 individual and corporate marketing professionals.Camile Blog97815
Cassandre Blog35891

PSP Game: Online PSP Game Membership versus Buying a Game in a Store

What do you think would be the best value for money, the best deal?

Have your really compared all the ways of purchasing PSP Game, Full length Movies even Music, TV shows, Game demos for your PSP.

There is a bit on a tendency to race down to the nearest Games Shop to find the latest and best Games out there but, are you getting your moneys worth?

Have you ever thought of and done any comparing to other methods?

Have you ever thought that an Online Internet PSP Store could offer exactly the same quality and quantity of Games plus so much more for minimal cost?

Lets take a quick look at the advantages and disadvantages of doing two methods of obtaining that new game you want so bad.

Buying Games in a Games Store Versus

Buying a Membership with an Internet PSP Download Store

Advantages Buying in a Game Store

Usually first with the latest game
Nothing like browsing and reading the back and checking out the graphics.
Gaining extras like a poster, t shirt, competition entry etc
Discussing the game with so called experts (sales assistants) who you would only assume have flogged the latest to give their critique on the game.
Potential to buy second hand games that are no longer available.
The thrill of handing money over the counter!

Disadvantages buying in a Game Store

Paying in excess of $60+ for the latest game
Buying more then ONE game at a time will get really expensive.
If you dont like the game it collects dust on the shelf (some places will give you 3 days to exchange it though).
Shops dont stock all the games that are on the market, you may have to wait weeks to get it once you have ordered it in. (If it is still available of course!)
Shops can get crowded with over zealous gamers, especially if latest game is out on shelves.
Shops Close at night!
Getting only a DVD and thats it, nothing else.
Having to buy the latest magazines for reviews and checking the Internet for possible reviews.
An old Game is no longer available.

Advantages buying from an Internet Download Store

One time fee nothing over $40US and thats it no more to pay for life.
Having the ability to download anything at anytime any hour your want regardless 24/7
Over 20 000000 items to download (including music and movies, cheat codes etc)
No dust collecting DVDs
On going support & tech support, manuals galore!
You can Store all Games Music, Movies on your PC or your memory Stick
Easy instructions to pop anything onto your PSP
Competitions are available at times
Easy access to Reviews on Games and Movies which is included in your membership (no downloading something you dont want to play.)
Extra items that can convert your old DVDs (Games Movies) onto your PSP
Read the Reviews on the Game download it; get a few Cheat codes and youre on level 20 within a couple of hours!

Disadvantages Buying off an Internet Download Store

You dont own a computer!
No CD/disc Cover to peruse and graphics to admire.
No T shirt, poster promotions etc
Buying a couple pieces of extra equipment (Requires Sony Memory Stick to play games, mind you the largest can hold up to 20 games)
Not sure which Internet Download PSP sites are scams and rip offs!
You only have dial up!
An old Game is no longer available

Well after a little brain storming it really is up to the individual.

There is nothing like going into the store to grab the latest and best new Game on the market, but we all have to ask the question is this one CD/DVD worth the money.

My verdict is that I feel that since the younger generation tend to play the PSP Game more so then the older generation then the $ factor has to be taken into consideration. Its a case of stating that Yes the cover of the latest Game is cool with the promotional T shirt but, is it worth $45-90 bucks.

Especially when you know that you can get that game and a thousand other Games and items for half the price of that one DVD.

It all boils down to what is the most economical and what suits the individual. And what you are prepared to do to get the most out of your PSP.

Plus There is a tendency to not trust the Internet and assume that somewhere somehow you may get ripped off.

However there are respectable services available its just a matter of looking and researching and finding consistent reviews on whom and what is out there.

On that note there are a handful of respectable and legal Online PSP download centers that come highly recommended for quality quantity and value for money such as such as Enjoy.

Paquita Gillis owns blogs on how to get the best PSP Game and provides articles, tips and ideas So you can have the best PSP entertainment available. http://psp--game-.blogspot.comAleece Blog52762
Carena Blog49839

How to Start a Business in Panama

Hundreds of foreigners residing here are starting up new businesses in Panama every year.

Panama offers many opportunities for business entrepreneurs. You can start a bar, restaurant, retail shop, hotel, bed & breakfast, provide tour-guides or professional services.

Maybe you are thinking about opening a new business full time? Or, you are retired and thinking of passing the time by engaging in a part-time business.

Whichever you do, Panamanian laws must be understood and complied with. That's why the following information will be useful for every reader who is thinking about starting a business in Panama.


Your first consideration is to decide what type of business structure to use.

There are 3 normal business entities here in Panama:

Sole Proprietor where you and your spouse & family operate a business as sole owners.

Partnership where you team up with one or more persons in running the business.

Corporation where you register with the government as a company issuing stocks, having a Board of Directors and corporate officers.

While a sole proprietorship can be an oral agreement between close family members, the other two entities need the assistance of a Panamanian lawyer. That's because legal documents need to be prepared forming a Partnership or Corporation. If they are wrongly prepared, they will be legally null and void causing a business legal nightmare for its members.

Let's examine the different legal structures here in Panama:

Corporation (Sociedad Anonima)

Corporations are formed under the Law No. 32 of 1927 and the Commercial Code (Decree-Law No. 5 of 1997, Article 5).

A Panamanian corporation is formed by two persons (called Subscribers) or Nominees (who act on behalf of absent foreigners) who execute legal documents called the Articles of Incorporation. Those documents are filed with the Panama Public Registry office. After the corporation is formed, only one shareholder will be required.

Corporate shares are issued which can be of various classes, can have par value or not, may be officially registered, or can be discreet Bearer shares.

The corporation must have a resident Registered Agent (Panamanian lawyer).

There must be at least three Directors whose names must be in the Articles of Incorporation. Any changes of Directors must also be filed with the Public Registry. Unless the Articles are changed or the corporation merges or dissolves there will be no other filing requirements.

Foreign Corporation

If you already have a corporation in another country, it can do business in Panama by filing the following documents at the Public Registry Office:

1. A notarized Spanish translation of the Articles of Incorporation;

2. Board of Directors minutes authorizing the Panamanian registration;

3. Copies of the most recent financial statements;

4. A certificate from a Panamanian Consul confirming that the company is organized according to the laws of its place of incorporation;

5. Notification of the transfer of capital to the Panamanian operation.

General Partnership

General Partnerships are permitted in Panama. As with most countries, the partners will have unlimited civil liability. That means every partner can be sued even if only one of them commits an error in the course of business.

Limited Partnership

Limited Partnerships (called Sociedad de Responsibilidad) are also permitted in Panama. They are governed by the Commercial Code and Law No. 24 of 1966.

There may be from 2 to 20 partners with no restrictions as to their nationalities or domicile. Their Capital must be at least $2,000 up to $500,000. The names of the partners must be registered with the Public Registry Office including the amount of Capital each contributed. Each partner's civil liability for the Partnership's debts is limited to the amount subscribed to but unpaid. If the Partnership appoints an independent administrator, his/her name must also be registered. No meetings are required if the Partnership has 5 members or less. Otherwise, a meeting must be held at least once a year. There are no requirements for annual returns or filing of any accountings.

An alternative to a Sole Proprietorship is to create an Individual Limited Proprietorship (Empressa Individual de Responsibilidad Limitada). This is set up in the same manner as a Limited Partnership except having only one member. The individual transfers his/her assets to the business. Business civil liability is limited to the amount of the committed assets.

Civil Partnership

A Civil Partnership (Sociedad Civil) is allowed by the Commercial Code and Law No. 24 of 1966. The liability of the partners is unlimited. This type of partnership is often selected by professionals such as lawyers and accountants.

Commandite Company

The Commandite Company (Sociedad en Commandita) is a hybrid partnership and corporation also governed by the Commercial Code and Law No. 24 of 1966. At least one partner must have unlimited liability, while the liability of the limited partners is limited to the amount of capital subscribed. This type of legal structure is seldom used in Panama.


Once you have either formed a Panamanian Corporation, or a Partnership, or are acting as a Sole Proprietor, you will need to register your business with the government before opening for business.

The 6 steps provided below are the requirements for registering your business with the national and local governments:

1. Income Tax Registry

This is called "Registro Fiscal" with the Panamanian government.

The Panamanian government has a website explaining what is necessary to register in Spanish. Go to the govt. website at:

This is the government Revenue (Tax) Service where your company receives its income tax id number called the Direccion General de Ingresos.

You will need to keep records of income and expenses and file an annual income tax (or corporate tax) return and pay any taxes owed.

2. Commercial License

Another Panama government website will give you information regarding getting a commercial license in Spanish at:

This Ministry is called the MINISTERIO de COMERCIO e INDUSTRIAS, translated as the Ministry of Commerce & Industry.

This is otherwise known as your Business License. Every business in Panama is required to have one.

3. Municipal Taxes

After getting your Panamanian government licenses, you need to register with your local municipality in order to pay your municipal taxes.

4. Social Security Number

Then you must go to the Registro Patronal de la Caja de Seguro Social (CSS) to get a Social Security number for your business and for yourself.

5. Sanitary Permit

If your business deals with food or beverages, you will need to get Permisos Sanitarios with the Ministerio de Salud.

That translates as a Health Certificate from the Ministry of Health for permission to operate a sanitary business.

Every employee (including owners & management) who prepare or serve food or beverages (or are in the vicinity of food or beverage preparation or service) must obtain two different Permits. One requires a medical & dental examination at a public hospital. The other is issued after attending a two day health & safety course.

6. Fumigation Certificate

Every business which is open to the public must be fumigated. You will need to hire a private fumigation company every four months to fumigate against ants, roaches, and other bugs.

You must then present a receipt from the fumigation company and obtain a Fumigation Certificate from your local municipality. This must be publicly displayed at your business entrance.

Hiring Employees

Now that you have obtained all of the required government permits and licenses, you are now ready to hire employees.

For those of you thinking of hiring your expat buddies, Panama limits a company's work force to a maximum of 10% foreigners (non-Panamanian). Panamanian laws require that 90% of a company's employees be Panamanian citizens, or married to a Panamanian, or foreign persons residing here for at least 10 years.

But, there are exceptions:

1. Required technical or specialized staff unavailable in Panama increases your quota to 15% foreigners. You can also petition the Ministry of Labor for a higher quota.

2. Companies having less than 10 employees can employ 1 foreigner.

3. Companies can employ foreign Managers and Supervisors when the company does business abroad from Panama with prior approval by the Ministry of Labor.

You must obtain a work permit from the Ministry of Labor for every foreign worker.

Panamas Labor Laws

The Labor Code of 1971 deals with Labor Relations including the rights and duties of employers and employees. "Subordination" is the key concept of the law. Any relationship where one person is subordinate to another falls within the law. It makes no difference whether the relationship is or is not described as "employment".

There are certain basic employee rights which must be followed:

1. Written Employment Contract

2. Minimum Wage

3. Maximum Hours

4. Paid Vacation Time

5. Firing Employees

Employee Contracts

You must have your employees sign a written employment contract called an Inscripcion Contratos con trabajadores.

You must file two copies of the contract with the Ministerio de Trabajo y Desarrollo Laboral.

Employers can easily terminate the employee during the first two years. After that, employees have greater protection under the law. The law lists "just causes" for dismissal. Unlawful dismissals can result in minimal compensation payments. Both parties can contract for "fixed terms".

Minimum wage levels vary according to the employee's seniority.

Vacations: There are 11 public holidays per year. In addition, employees are entitled to a 30 day vacation every year.

13th Month: The law also requires a 30 day paid bonus every year which is known as "the 13th month". This bonus is estimated at one-salary day for every 11 days of work. The 13 month bonus is paid in 3 equal installments: April 15th, August 15th, and December 15th every year.


Unions are allowed in Panama. Unions can collectively negotiate on behalf of the employees. Strikes are lawful under defined circumstances after a majority vote of the member employees. Conciliation is mandatory before a strike can occur. However, only around 11% of the private sector employees are unionized.

Leasing Office or Business Premises

Panama's laws regarding leasing commercial space is similar to most English speaking countries.

1. It needs to be in Writing.

2. It needs to properly describe the location of the pre-mises.

3. It needs to address the amount and frequency of the lease payments, length of the lease period, whether there is a Security and/or Damage deposit, who pays for gas, water, electricity, and repairs. It will also contain provisions for late rent payments, tenant property damage, and renewal of the lease term.

4. It must be signed by the property owners (or legally authorized representatives) and the tenants.

5. All signatures must be Notarized before a Notary Public.

There are many more terms and conditions which should be included in a standard commercial lease which is why you should consult with a Panamanian attorney before signing one prepared by your landlord.

Business Bank Account

Even if you are a sole proprietor, you should never co-mingle your personal funds with business monies. That is why you'll need to open a bank account for your business.

Partnerships and Corporations definitely need to open separate Business or Corporate Bank Accounts.

When you open an account for a corporation, partnership, or a business most banks require the following information and documentation:

1. Most banks require a personal interview, while some banks may allow a telephone interview.

2. A clear copy of the account's Signatory and each corporate Director's Passport (must include the photo & personal information page, and Panama entry stamp page).

3. A clear copy of a second photo id (such as a driver's license or national id card).

4. Two bank references for each Director and account Signatory. These references must entail the satisfactory conduct of the account holder and that the banking relationship had been ongoing for a minimum of 2 years. It would be helpful if the references also confirm the person's residential address. Many Panamanian banks require the references be specifically addressed to that bank's branch. Some banks may accept only one bank reference letter (especially if you have done all of your banking with only one bank).

5. Two professional references for each Director and account Signatory. These references may be written by one's accountant, lawyer, stock broker, insurance broker, real estate broker, or employer. They should be written on their company letterhead. These must include the duration and nature of their business relationship with the applicant. Only an Original letter will be accepted.

6. Proof of Address: You must provide a copy of a utility bill (phone, water, electricity, cable TV, or Internet service) which contains your name and address.

7. A "Company Profile" letter must be submitted which briefly describes the type of business the account holder will engage in. This will include the location of the business, the products or services you are selling, the nature and expected volume of business, the origin of the funds to be deposited, an estimate of the monthly or annual amount of funds to be deposited, and the reason for opening a bank account in Panama.

It will help if your Panamanian lawyer accompanies you to the bank in order to make sure the process goes smoothly.

Once all of these documents have been received, they will be forwarded to the bank's Compliance Officer who reviews the entire application to insure no money laundering will occur.

This process will go smoother and may have less required documents if you first go to the Panamanian bank where you already have a personal account as they already know you.


Now that you are licensed, moved into your commercial space, hired employees and have a bank account; you need to worry about taxes.


There are many legal documents, government applications, contracts, and laws one must comply with in order to start a business in Panama. That is why you should consult with a Panamanian lawyer who is knowledgeable with Panama's Business, Labor, Tax, and Real Estate laws before going into business.

Steven Rich, MBA is the Marketing Manager for Panama Offshore Legal Services at: http://www.panama-offshore-services.comAdrea Blog59043
Aloisia Blog76167

Inexpensive Tips To Increase Value Of Your Home

Did you know that you could drastically increase the value of your home without having to invest heavily in having your home remodeled or refitted? Yes, its possible! And you wont even have to spend as much just to make it happen!

If you are selling your home, getting a good value for it could prove troublesome. But before you throw in the towel and sell your home for a price way below your expectations, you could try doing some inexpensive renovations to increase your homes value up to 20%. Thats not a bad figure, is it?

Here is a brief walkthrough of the steps you can undertake to make your home worth much more that it is today.

The Kitchen: Bigger is Better

The kitchen is one of the critical areas to address in your efforts to increase your homes worth. Homebuyers are looking for spacious kitchens that are clean, in good repair and have the necessary furnishings for working.

To make the kitchen look more spacious, try installing lights that will make it look brighter. You could also redo the windows to remove clutter and make it spill in more light. This will have the effect of making the kitchen look bigger. Make sure the floorings and the table tops are in good repair. If it is not beyond your budget you could even replace the current flooring with stone or tile, which is a lot better than linoleum that cracks and tears.

Keep the kitchen in good repair. It doesnt cost much to have scratches and bumps fixed. If you have busted fixtures or electrical outlets, have them repaired with good materials.

A paint job will do wonders not just for your kitchen but for the whole home. So consider adding a good layer of paint on your home.

The Yard

Simple gardening would do much to make your home more appealing. Keeping the yard in order, and tending to the garden would result more in a yard that would most likely attract buyers.

To stress the significance of a good yard, mature trees will typically add about $1000 to the value of your home. So imagine the impact of a well-tended garden to the value of your home!

The Living Room

Like the kitchen, living rooms must give the impression of space. Some people do so by installing mirrors. However, this technique is also suited to the bedroom. The little repairs like light bulbs and electrical outlets.

Make sure the living room is airy, a coating of light colored paint, installation of good lamps, and a general cleanliness of the living room will contribute much to this effect.


Like the other rooms, the bedroom has to be particularly spacious, airy and bright. Mirrors are particularly effective at accomplishing this effect. Most five-star hotels have to project an impression of space, and they employ this technique to its full effect.

Make sure the rooms have a sufficient number of electrical outlets. The flexibility this offers will add much to the value of your home.

If you plan to install new surfaces, you might also want to consider using natural materials such as stone, marble, quality wood, and others. Studies have shown that many people react favorably to these materials. They also add a feeling of cleanliness to the rooms.

Make the cabinets and closets as large as possible without making the rooms they are in look cramped, you may have to employ a few illusionary tricks here but the results are astounding.


Use fluorescent lighting instead of incandescent lighting to provide your bathrooms with a light feel. Installing inexpensive amenities to your bathroom like towel holders, racks, shower curtains, shower fixtures and other will enhance the appearance and appeal of your home.

You can mix, match and experiment with the tips given here. The principle of the whole is that you should make your home look spacious, airy, and light. You should also make sure your home looks different from the other homes in your neighborhood. If you can one up their amenities, then well and good! There are other tricks and illusions you could employ to achieve this tricks that do not have to be expensive at all! So go ahead give your home a good look and start increasing its value today!

The above article was written by Sarah Miller on behalf of, a buzzing online homeowner and contractor community which allows homeowners to find the right contractor for their home improvement projects! Also check out the QuoteCity Blog for more related home improvement articles and resources at Blog1627
Anabel Blog66989

Right Support! Right Loan! Right Application Student Loan Application

Practically speaking, when you are a student, your expenses are more than the average spending by a common person. The expenses may be on your education, tuition fees, credit cards bills, hotel and restaurant bills, clothes, books expenses on maintenance of car and any other miscellaneous expenses. At them time, your earning are nil or very less if you are working part-time and expenses are so much. Student loans can give you the financial support. You can avail such loans by filling a student loan application.

A student loan is the perfect financial support for those students who are insufficient in bearing their cost of living or expenses during their educational period. These expenses can be anything, what matters, is that the applicant should be a student. You need to plan a budget for your spendings from the loan amount to ensure the efficient use of the student loan amount.

Student loans also gives you freedom from all your existing debts (if any), which you may be facing trouble in repaying. We can say that, filling a student loan application can also get you a debt consolidation loan under the title of student loans. So now instead of paying for all your numerous debts separately you can repay your entire debt amount with single monthly repayments at competitive interest rates.

You may be wondering about where to look to apply for a student loan. The answer is simple INTERNET. With lots of student loan websites, you can easily search and apply for such loan by filling an online student loan application form. There are also loan calculators which you can use to find out what the repayments will be. A standard student loan application form consists of following details:

Name and Surname
Permanent address
City and postal code
Telephone numbers
Details about academics i.e. what you are studying
Status of course, whether full time or part time
Loan amount required
Lender may or may not ask for the security by a guardian depending upon his policy

All the standard student loan applications are routed through LEA i.e. Local Education Authority. It can differ in case the applicant is dependent, disabled or involved in certain kind of social work. A student loan is repayable only after one completes his or her education and starts earning a minimum amount.

If you are doing certain part time job, this may be an added advantage for you in form of low APR. APR or Annual percentage rate is the total cost of the loan. Also, if your earnings are above a minimal level, the repayments will be deducted from your income every month.

To conclude, we can say that to avail the benefits of a feature-full student loan you can fill a student loan application with accurate information.

Kevin Clark is a financial analyst at Student-car-loans. In recent years he has taken up to provide independant financial advice through his informative articles. To find Student loans, College student car loan, USA college student car loans, Cheap student car loans,Cheap student car loan, USA cheap student car loans, Student loan application, Student loan application USA, Student loans application, Student car loans, Student car loan that best suits your need visit http://www.student-car-loans.comAlisha Blog535
Ariel Blog31543

Is A Picture Worth A Thousand Words?

Are you an eBay seller? If you are, you likely already know the importance of having pictures in your eBay listings. There are a many eBay buyers who will not buy an item on eBay if they havent seen a picture. In fact, many eBay buyers like to see more than one picture. The only problem with this is that posting a number of pictures on eBay can get expensive, especially overtime. However, there is a way that you can give your potential customers what they want, more pictures, without having to go broke while doing so.

There are really two ways you can do this. First is if you have your own web site on a hosted domain you can FTP your files to your web site and host them there. After all, you are already paying for the hosting service. The second is to use a 3rd party service to host your images. Just do an internet search and you will find plenty of image hosting sites. You should be able to get by with about 30mb of disk space.

Hosting on your own web site would be a simple matter of creating a folder, for example, auctions, and copy your images up to that folder. For now lets talk about 3rd party services. If you are looking for a way to have multiple pictures appear in your eBay auction listings, but you are urged to examine websites that are known as photo sharing sites, if you havent already done so. Photo sharing websites are sites that allow you to post digital photographs online and sometimes even videos. There are a large number of internet users who use photo sharing sites to upload and share pictures with friends and family members over the internet, but many internet users are also starting to use photo sharing websites to help combat their eBay seller fees, particularly the fees associated with having multiple pictures in an eBay auction.

All you will need to do is to create an account with the service. You should be required to fill out a small form, which may request a little bit of information about yourself, like your full name or your email address. You will also need to create login information for yourself, including a screen name and a safe password. Once you have that finished, you should be able to use the photo sharing website in question, whether it be PhotoBucket or not, to help you start saving money.

When using a photo sharing site, you will see that different sites have different instructions that need to be followed, but the first step will be taking pictures of your eBay items. Then you will need to upload them to your computer and then follow the photo sharing websites instructions on how to upload your photos to their site. In most cases, this is a relatively simple process, which tends to involve selecting a few pictures from your computers hard drive and then hitting an upload button.

Once your pictures have been uploaded, you should see thumbnails or smaller versions of them. With PhotoBucket there are little boxes underneath each thumbnail that can be used to select the picture or pictures of you choice. You will want to select all of the pictures that you want listed in a particular eBay listing. Then, you should be able to find a link that allows you to generate an HTML code. This will lead you to another page with a lot of information on it, particularly HTML links. Many photo sharing websites outright tell you which HTML code links you should use for eBay. Copy the code and paste it in the description of your eBay auction listings and you are good to go; your pictures should appear.

Using a photo sharing site is optional, but it is definitely something to look into. As an eBay seller, you want to profit as much as you can and this also involves eliminating unnecessary expenses.

Don Schonberg is an eBay Power Seller since 2000. For more tricks and selling tips you can sign up for his FREE value-packed 11 lesson Power Seller mini ecourse at his web site http://www.bestauctionaffiliates.comAubree Blog26554
Adrienne Blog50489

Refinance Medical Equipment to Offset Reductions in Medicare Payments

Healthcare providers, particularly those with a large mix of Medicare related transactions, are in for a cash and profit squeeze. Refinancing existing medical and office equipment leases can be a way to ease the pressure. According to AMA President Jeremy Lazarus, 45% of physicians in the American Medical Association plan to decrease or stop the acceptance of new Medicare beneficiaries if Congress does not act to stop a 5% decrease in Medicare payments. These payment reductions are scheduled to go into effect in 2007. According to Lazerus "Over the next nine years, Medicare will cut physician payments 37%, unless Congress acts before January 1, 2007", adding, "at the same time, the cost of caring for those patients will increase 22%, and that math just doesn't add up". The cuts, which would reduce payments by $2.8 billion over five years, are included in a 2006 deficit reduction package.

Should the projected cuts hold up, providers will need to become more operationally and financially efficient. One way to offset the decreased cash flow is to refinance equipment. Many providers are making very large monthly payments because they have opted to execute four or even three year leases. There are now medical equipment financing options available that can spread those payments out over a 96 month period. For example, a physician needed $500,000 of equipment to start his practice and signed a 48 lease. Payments on the lease, assuming an 8% interest rate, would be approximately $12,200 per month. If that equipment were refinanced at the beginning of year two, the balance would be approximately $380,000. Refinancing that balance over 96 months would result in payments of $5,400 per month, a cash savings of $6,800 per month or $81,600 per year.

The provider should carefully review the equipment being used to determine if he is a good candidate for long term refinancing or even buying new equipment for longer amortizations. If the medical equipment is likely to withstand an onslaught of technical advances, a refinancing could be the ticket to helping offset the specter of Medicare payment deductions.

Kent Harlan has been a CPA since 1984 and has provided consulting, accounting and financial services to several industries. He is the owner of Ozarks Capital Funding, LLC, a Springfield, MO based company offering financing in the areas of accounts receivable factoring, equipment leasing, asset based lending, and healthcare provider financing.Alison Blog66072
Cahra Blog30401

Which Surveillance Camera System Is Right For My Business?

If you own a business, you know that theft occurs by your customers and employees. Employee theft exceeds $8.5 billion annually! 75% of inventory shortages are attributed to employee theft. (National Restaurant Association). It's been reported that over 75% of internal theft is undetected, and growing at a 15% annual rate (Justice Department). All this dishonesty costs American businesses between % and 3% of their gross sales! Even 1% costs over one billion dollars a week in employee theft.

The results of all this? 30% of business failures are due to poor hiring practices by hiring thieves. Annual losses generated by poor hires, absenteeism, drug abuse, and theft amount to $75 billion per year. (U.S. Department of Commerce-Atlanta Business Chronicle.). While we can't screen your employees, you can keep an eye on them, and a video surveillance system is one of the best ways to do it.

When choosing a video surveillance camera system, there are several things to consider: Hidden Cameras vs. Visible Cameras Wireless Cameras vs. Wired Cameras Indoor Systems vs. Outdoor Systems Video Recording vs. DVR Recording

Hidden Cameras vs. Visible Cameras Hidden Cameras The first thing you want to consider is whether you want your cameras to be visible or not. Modern technology has reduced a video camera down to miniature levels. Hidden cameras can be hidden behind a pinhole, and can be put in practically any everyday item in your house or office, in a briefcase or backpack, or even hidden in a hat or behind a button. The advantage is that the criminal won't know they are being recorded, and you should catch more theft. Hidden cameras could be more expensive then visible cameras.

Visible Cameras A visible camera system consists of any number of visible cameras from the black dome cameras you see in most stores, to the old fashioned kinds on brackets pointing at you at the bank. There are also high resolution cameras that can zoom in to tight detail. The advantages of these types of systems is that your criminal will know they are being watched, and that should deter a lot of crime that normally would occur without the cameras.

Even a series of dummy camera's, camera bodies with no working parts except a flashing red light, are proven to deter crime. If you don't have the funds for a working video surveillance system, just installing four to twelve dummy cameras fools the criminal into thinking you have a real system in place.

Wireless Cameras vs. Wired Cameras You have two choices for the type of surveillance system, wireless and wired. Both have advantages and disadvantages;

Wireless Camera System Wireless camera systems are the fastest systems to install, as you just need to mount the cameras, hook up the wireless receiver in the back room, and wire it all together to a power box and some type of system to record the video.

The advantages of wireless cameras are that they can be installed in locations that are difficult, if not impossible to wire. They can be moved to different locations easily, as often as you like, and if the need arises, they can be hidden inside a moving object like inside your cloth, cap, briefcase or carrying bag etc.

To overcome the disadvantages of a wireless camera, you should buy one with a higher frequency transmission band of at least 1.2GHz or above. If you need to take video from the wireless camera a long distance from the receiver, or there are walls, metallic or steel obstacles between the wireless camera and the receiver, you should buy a wireless model with a higher transmission power, that is, a transmitter with longer transmission distance. Another good idea is to use a high gain antenna for the transmitter or receiver, which will improve the signal transmission/reception.

The disadvantages of wireless cameras are that the video stream might be disturbed or influenced by moving objects or strong radio or even telephone frequencies. Video/audio transmission is limited within the prescribed transmission range. These disadvantages will not occur with a wired camera.

Wireless camera systems are also more expensive than wired systems, as they require a lot of receivers and transmitters to received the video that normally would run in the inexpensive wires. However, the costs are usually worth it, as it could cost less to install, and less to relocated. Overall, the video/audio signals from a wireless camera are less stable than a wireless camera.

Wired Camera Systems Wired camera systems are more stable due to the cable, which doesn't have the interference problems associated with wireless systems. You need to run a video cable to each camera in order to get a video feed. You will have to run the wire either through the walls and ceiling, or have it exposed on the wall. While the cost of the system is less than a wireless system, it will require more work to install, and if you are paying someone, it might cost more than buying a wireless system.

You should look at the total costs to purchase and install both systems and go with what is best for you. Overall, the video/audio signals from a wired camera are more stable than a wireless camera.

Indoor Systems vs. Outdoor Systems Depending on your needs, you will need a camera for indoor or outdoor needs. If you need to monitor your loading dock, you will need a camera that can withstand the elements. Unless it's specifically sold as an outdoor camera, a regular camera can't withstand the beating from Mother Nature that a weatherproof camera can endure.

You can find many types of outdoor camera, dome, bullet, and standard. All are enclosed in waterproof cases and some even have heaters for cold areas. You can also buy hardened cameras that will withstand direct hits from bats and hammers. These are recommended in high crime areas.

Video vs. DVR recording You need to determine if you want to record the activity, or just hire someone to monitor it. It's a good idea to record the video so you can give a copy to law enforcement for future needs. You have two choices, VCR or DVD.

VCR allows you to record the video with a Video Cassette Recorder (VCR) directly to a VHS tape. You can use a bank of standard VCR's, or there are high density VCR's that allow you to record days of video. Some come with motion detectors and won't record unless the video changes. The disadvantages are that you have to know about what time the event occurred, or you will have to review all the tape sequentially, or on fast forward.

The latest technology is using a DVR or PC based DVR system to record the video to disc. The advantages are a DVD can be burned from the digital recording. This is the easiest system to review your recordings, as you can jump ahead to any point in the recording, unlike the VHS tape. The initial cost will be larger than a VCR system, though you won't need to buy tapes, and the ease of use will be worth the extra money for a DVR based system.

You have two types of DVR systems, DVR recorder and PC based. DVR recorders feed the video directly into the hard drive or disc on the recorder and you either burn the disc, or back up the hard drive. These come in a variety of sizes, from standard sizes for indoor uses, down to field use DVRs the size of a pack of cigarettes that can record up to 60 hours of video from a hidden surveillance camera.

Your other option is the PC based surveillance system that uses a Personal Computer, a video capture card, and software as a control center that can not only record the video and burn it to disc, a quad can be installed to monitor the feeds on real time over a computer screen, and break it up into quadrants to monitor multiple cameras at the same time, in real time.

We have only just scratched the surface of video surveillance systems with this brief overview, and future articles will focus on the pros and con's of what is out there, and is it right for you.

Don't delay installing a surveillance system for your home or business. You never know when crime will strike and it is too late after the fact. Get it on disc so the police can arrest the criminals.Aleece Blog61723
Alfreda Blog15484

How To Use The Affiliate Program Directory

Affiliate program directory is indeed a suitable way to start making money on the Internet. You neednt be a computer freak to do this, you just need to gather some useful information about different offers and start making the best of it. You can find a lot of companies queued in an affiliate program directory. It offers you many resources for associates. By using an affiliate program directory you can review the different programs that are available.

The affiliate program directory also offers tips for associates, sent to your email by newsletters. You can make whichever option you find suitable. You can choose every company that you fall for. With an affiliate program directory you can make comparisons between different companies and offers, thus choosing the most profitable for you and your budget. You can browse through the different companies that offer you possibilities for getting into the online business. You can see their offers and make your choice.

The affiliate program directory helps you to look at the offers more closely and find out whats wrong and whats right about them. You can log in and view the forums and also post comments to ask people about the online businesses of a certain company. I can get various responses to your question, thus ensuring yourself that you have the best perspective of looking at different companies and their offers.

You can always find as many offers for working online as you want. You just need to find an honest program, compatible with your budget and abilities. The affiliate program directory can be used to provide you with clear ideas about each companys offers , thus ensuring that you will not get deceived by someone. Use this tool as a helpful way to get you out of the business jungle and show you which offers are the best. An affiliate program directory is a priceless tool, of which you can avail of to get what you want from your online business partners.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning finance. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Blog72289
Candice Blog5827

The 10 Most Popular Movies Of All Time -- A Cheat Sheet (Part 2)

Are you a movie dunce? Do you not know your Corleone from your Kurosawa? Would you recognise a lightsaber if it hit you in the face? Well, dont panic. To help you catch up on your movie knowledge heres the second instalment in your 2-part crash course in the top 10 movies of all time, as voted by the readers of the Internet Movie Database. Careful, though here be spoilers.

5. Casablanca

Hiding out in Casablanca, Morocco during World War II, exiled American and former freedom fighter Rick Blaine passes the time running a popular nightspot. Blaines tedium is interrupted when Czech Resistance leader Victor Laszlo arrives with his beautiful wife Ilsa -- Blaines ex-lover.

Blaine holds the key to Laszlos safe passage out of the country, and Ilsa offers herself to him in exchange for her husbands safety. Blaine faces the choice of sacrificing Laszlo to win back Ilsa, but in the end decides to do the honorable thing

Quote: If that plane leaves the ground and you're not with him, you'll regret it. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life.

Trivia: The line Heres lookin at you, kid was voted the 5th most well known movie line in history by the American Film Institute.

4. Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

The third and final instalment of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Return of the King offers an epic finale to Frodos quest (thousands of extras took part in the filming to add to the drama). Finally arriving at Mt. Doom, Frodo is overcome by exhaustion and the stress of bearing the Ring. Helped by Sam, Frodo manages to make his way into the volcano.

At the last moment he finds himself unable to throw the Ring into the magma, choosing instead to wear it. Gollum, surviving Frodos earlier attempt on his life, attacks Frodo and bites off his finger, removing the ring. Losing his grip, Gollum falls into the pit along with the Ring, breaking its hold over Frodo and killing Sauron.

With Saurons death his army is destroyed, just in time to save the army of Men, poised to fight to the death at the gates of Mordor.

Quote: Come on, Mr. Frodo. I can't carry it for you... but I can carry you.

Trivia: The Return of the King used over seven times the number of special effects shots used in an average movie.

3. The Godfather: Part II

Split between two timelines, the second instalment of The Godfather trilogy follows Don Vito Corleone through his adolescence in Sicily and New York during the early 20th Century, and later his rise to power as a Mafia Don. It also returns to a point a few years after the conclusion of the first movie, with Michael Corleone running the family interests following his fathers death.

After learning that his brother Fredo has betrayed the family, Michael must order his execution.

Quote: I know it was you Fredo. You broke my heart. You broke my heart!

Trivia: Robert de Niro won an Oscar for his portrayal of a young Vito Corleone. De Niro and Marlon Brando are the only actors to win Oscars for the portrayal of the same character.

2. The Shawshank Redemption

Based on a novella by Steven King, The Shawshank Redemption tells the story of Andy Dufresne, a successful banker wrongly convicted for the murder of his wife and her lover. Given two life sentences, Dufresne is sent to the maximum security Shawshank Prison where he befriends Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding, a lifer who helps him adjust to prison life.

Over the next twenty years their friendship grows while Andy has a positive effect on the inmates, helping to establish a prison library and education system. Unfortunately, the mean-spirited and criminal warden beats down Andys spirit until he finally escapes through a tunnel that took him two decades to dig.

In a final act of revenge Andy exposes the wardens crimes, driving him to suicide to avoid being sent to prison. Red is later released on parole, and tracks down Andy to a beach in Mexico.

Quote: Get busy living, or get busy dying.

Trivia: The mugshots of Morgan Freeman as a young man are actually pictures of his real life son, Alfonso.

1. The Godfather

Adapted from Mario Puzos seminal Mafia novel, the first instalment of The Godfather trilogy sees Don Vito Corleone, head of the Corleone crime family, struggle with the realities of a changing world. When he refuses to work with drug dealer Virgil Sollozzo in a scheme to push heroin in New York, he falls foul of Sollozzos backers the Tattaglia family.

When Vito is wounded in an attempted assassination his son Michael -- previously determined to have nothing to do with the family business -- volunteers to kill Sollozzo. Following the execution Michael is sent to Sicily to hide out until it is safe to return.

After Michaels brother Sonny is executed by the rival Barzini family, Michael safely returns and takes his place as the head of the family in time to see Vito Corleone die of a heart attack. In revenge for the attacks on his family Michael arranges for the murder of the heads of the other families, to take place during the baptism ceremony of his nephew.

Following the baptism Michael orders the execution of the father of the baptised child -- and his own brother in-law -- Carlo Rizzi, in retribution for Carlos role in setting up Sonnys death. The movie ends with the widow, Michaels sister Connie, suspecting that Michael was involved in Carlos death.

Quote: I'll make him an offer he can't refuse.

Trivia: Sofia Coppola, the directors daughter, played the baby baptised at the end of the movie. She returned to play the role of Michaels daughter Mary in The Godfather: Part III).

So there you have it. If youve been paying attention you should now have just enough knowledge of the top ten movies of all time to bluff your way through a conversation with a movie buff. These bare bones wont take you far, though, so I suggest you set aside some time, get a big bucket of popcorn, sit back and enjoy the best of Hollywood. You wont be disappointed.

James Shenton is a freelance writer and Hollywood expert whose writing can be an extremely useful resource in helping your knowledge of the movie business. Brandi Blog44555
Aleece Blog25408

How To Stop Running To Your Doctor With Health Problems

Hey there,

Have you been seeing your doctor a little too much lately? Headaches here, chest pains there..shortness of breath, feeling weak, dizzy, and lethargic.

A nasty virus going around?

Not likely.

Something you caught from your kids?

Probably not.

Well, what is it?

Would you believe (and you should) that it could be that youre overweight and/or out of shape?

No way, it cant be! you say..I mean youre supposed to drag yourself throughout the day eating chips, drinking caffeine laced beverages, and exercising your fingers on the keyboard.

Thats how life supposed to say, work like crazymake as much money as possible regardless of the health risksretire (while being overweight and out of shape) and spend a good amount of your retirement visiting your local doctor and hospital waiting for that new breakthrough surgery to suck up all that fat from your arteries. Unfortunately, this is often true of many people nowadays. How can you possibly stop this and decrease the possibility (exponentially, I might add) that you have to spend your retirement years pitching a tent at your doctors office.

Get moving.

Start a fitness program..try to do a pushup (you should be able to do more than 1, by the way)take a brisk walk around the neighborhood..take a jog with your dog up and down the street..try to do 10 crunchesjust start something! More importantly, stick with it.

Thats all you need..just 2 little things.

Start with something.and stick with it.

2 simple, yet powerful actions. In fact, theyre so powerful that if you did these two little things, you would be in better shape than most people in the world!

You want to know a little secret?

Open your ears and pay attention.

Your doctor doesnt want to see you. In fact, they are sick of seeing you..they would rather be playing But do you want to know why they have to keep long hours and spend minimal time with patients?

Because we are getting fatter and unhealthier by the day. Which equals more health problems, which equals more doctor visits, more hospital visits, more tests (very costly I might add), more x-rays, more surgeries, etc. etc. etc.

How many hundreds and thousands of dollars are you and your family spending on unnecessary health bills? Instead of chewing on a Twinkie.chew on that thought for a while.

What would you rather have with all that extra money: a new car, a house thats paid off, a vacation home, a boat?


Living healthier, looking leaner, feeling younger and more energized while pocketing extra money from saved doctor bills and surgeries.

Where do you sign up?

Not at your local McDonalds or Burger King.

Nor at your local greasy spoon restaurant.

You sign up by making a commitment to change your lifestyle. Hey, maybe thats not what you are wanting to hear, but its true. You and only you, (with some help from me, of course) can make that change.

Whats the great thing about it?

So many people have tried and succeeded by doing it the right way, and you can too! It may take some time, it will take some discipline, heck, it may even take some sacrifices.but you will get so excited when you look at yourself in a mirror and see a leaner, fitter, healthier you.

Save money, save insurance company hasslesand for goodness sakes start a fitness program. I may not be able to help you have a body like Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie by next week.but listen to me and you can at least save enough money to take everyone you know to see all of their movieslol. Actually, with your savings on doctors visits..youll have way more money than that.

In closing, you can choose one of two things.

1.Making a change to commit to a healthier lifestyle, a more balanced diet, and a fitness program that will lead to greater physical fitness, mental health and wellness, endurance (use your imagination), less doctor visits (when they are practically pushing you out the door anyway), less chances for heart attacks, strokes, surgeriesAND more money in your pocket from saving yourself from these expenses.


2.A diet filled with fats, lard, cholesterol, unlimited carbonated beverages, diet drinks (that always gets a chuckle out of me), days of feeling weak, depressed, and lethargic. Lets not forget a greater than average number of doctor visits, greater chance for health-related surgeries, greater chance for injuries (if and when you decide to get off your butt and do something), combined with looking less attractive to yourself and your significant other (or potential significant other), WHILE wasting money on all of these things.

Quite the laundry list, huh?

I dont know about you, but I take #1 11 times out of 10. And, if I were you, I would think long and hard about making a change to #1 too.

You can do it, I am here to help. And if you can handle even more fitness strategies for you and your family, go to and check out what Ive got in store for you. Have a great day!

Chris Callegari, founder of is unleashing his real-world exercise, fitness, nutrition, and healthy eating tips to the world, to help support lifestyle changes for any and everyone.Catrina Blog83352
Allis Blog35154

Choosing The Best Aftershave

You want to smell nice, and youve thought about buying some cologne, but wouldnt it be better to get a multitasking product so your hygiene routine stays streamlined? Check out aftershave. Most of them are scented, and some of the most popular mens fragrances have aftershave products available. But as a bonus, aftershaves also will usually contain moisturizer, to soothe skin irritated by shaving, and an antiseptic, to keep clean those little nicks and cuts so they can heal faster. Some are liquid, much like a cologne, while others will be more like a lotion. Now that youre sold on the idea, here is some guidance for your aftershave selection.

Do you have a significant other? If so, your choice should be easy. Ask her what she likes, because after all, isnt that who the fragrance is for in the first place? Many fragrance lines have complementary his and hers fragrances, so asking what she wears can be a good place to start. If she doesnt have a favorite brand, maybe she can at least narrow down types of scents for you. Then you can find a fragrance that fits her preferences, with the other ingredients that are best for your skin type and particular problems (sensitive skin, razor burn, etc.). You can also find aftershaves that are suited for the whole face that not only moisturize but include sunblock.

Your scent should be one that you like, too. Dont worry about feeling uncomfortable going to the fragrance counter at the department store. The most manly of men wear fragrance these days, plus youre likely to find a knowledgeable sales assistant who can help you find the best fit for you. Too shy for that? Try your local drugstore, and check out testers yourself.

Prices will range widely. Some men prefer to go basic. A good pick here would be Gillette Series After Shave Gel. Formulated particularly for sensitive skin, it has a cooling sensation (thanks to alcohol and menthol) and a light fragrance. If youre looking for something a little more complex, Calvin Kleins Escape combines amber, lavender, and fruit scents. Boss from Hugo Boss has a warm, long lasting scent. If you are looking for something light, crisp, and clean, Cliniques Happy for Men aftershave is a good pick. Clinique products are also great for people with sensitive skin.

Whether your tastes are drugstore or designer, you are sure to find an aftershave for your budget and your style.

Cathy Peterson writes about, and http://www.OnlinePromotionCodes.comBerte Blog7179
Aubrette Blog1172

Plasma, LCD Or CRT? Your Choice, Your Computer Monitor

We all know that computers have changed our lives. The technology is growing rapidly and at the end of every single year there is some thing more advanced version in the older version(just a year older). Since the mid-nineties, many of us have become accustomed to the home computer. We may have started with those dinosaur-looking desktop computers monitors that came with space consuming towers like television size monitors. But certainly, things have advanced over the last decade Computer monitors have stayed pretty much the same for a long time. The traditional CRT technology has been the standard for computer monitors ever since computers advanced to the point where they could display graphics. Processors have gotten thousands of times faster, hard drives thousands of times bigger, RAM memory thousands of times more efficient, but computer monitors have been basically the same old crap for decades. Dont get me wrong, computer monitors have certainly gotten better, but in !
am talking about the basic technology behind them which hasnt improved much. That has all changed recently, and computer monitors have finally at least partly caught up to the advances with computers in general.

When you buy a computer you have a number of options. But when it comes to the monitors you still have the first option is still the CRT or Cathode Ray Tube, monitors. Even though there are better technologies available now, CRT monitors should not be completely overlooked. Even today, in the middle of the 2006 the CRT computers are available at a cheaper rate. And most of the people who prefer to buy a computer at a affordable price will buy the CRT monitors .It is true that these computer monitors does not suffer from some of the bugs that the newer technologies are sometimes prone to. Also, CRT monitors are supposed to have the fastest response time. There are few drawbacks of the CRT monitors. Their large size as compared to the new LCD monitors and they generally require more power and have a poorer picture quality compared to the newer technologies.

LCD, or Liquid Crystal Display, monitors are much smaller, require less power, and provide a sharper, clearer image compared to CRTs .LCD displays are making serious inroads into the computer monitor market, and not without good reason. Now a days, LCD displays have already become the standard for the laptop computer monitors, and it is only a matter of time before they become the standard for desktops as well. Although they are more expensive than CRTs, the price tags on LCD monitors are rapidly dropping. Now and affordable LCD is not unimaginable.

Now its the time for Plasma. The latest computer monitor. Plasma display is now another option you have if youre looking for a computer monitor .Plasma displays are the high-end technology of computer monitors, and carry a heft price tag. They offer a superior picture quality capable of resolutions far greater than CRT or LCD equivalents, and are capable of displaying high definition graphics. Plasma display technology, while improving, still suffers from a number of bugs and an overall short life span, but if youve got the money to spare, they are certainly worth a look! So after have a fair idea of the computer monitors have you decided which one do you want on your computer table? So go ahead and get it today.

Luke Cameron is owner of eComputers Mag - an online magazine offering news, tips and articles on Computer related topics. His website can be found at: and Blog70637
Annabelle Blog17826

Why I'm A "B-Level Marketer!"

At a recent Internet marketing seminar, I was sitting around the hotel lobby with approximately 20 other seminar attendees and speakers. The seminar's host was in attendance, and the conversation covered a range of internet marketing topics with extreme frankness. Our proximity to the hotel bar certainly contributed to our "conviviality."

At some point in the conversation, one of the attendees turned to me, and said, "You know Willie, you and I are B-Level marketers. I'm sorry to be frank, but we are."

We smiled and continued, with me not even responding to the comment. However, later one of my friends who witnessed the event said to me, "You're not a 'B-Level marketer!"

For those unfamiliar with the term, it's just a loose way that some in Internet marketing circles categorize various marketers.

"A-Level marketers" are at the top of the heap. They are the best at what they do, and usually the most seasoned. They often came from direct sales backgrounds before going online. They also have a proven ability to sell a LOT of products during any major product promotion.

"B-Level marketers" are mid-level marketers. They are usually successful, but not at the level of the "A-Level marketers." Often the "B-Level marketers" just haven't been in the Internet marketing niche as long, and are still learning. They are what many would consider "up and coming" or "rising stars." They have figured out how things work, but don't do things on as grand a scale as "A-Level marketers."

"C-Level marketers" are still very much in the learning stages. They often haven't achieved much success. Many of them are in what is often called the "fake it until you make it" stage. Those who are teachable and persistent are destined to move up to higher levels.

The definitions above are my loose definitions. Others would probably include other levels, or levels within levels, but that's beyond the scope of this article.

After that conversation, I had to ask myself two questions:

1) Am I a "B-Level marketer?"

2) Why, after 11 years of online marketing would I still be a "B-Level marketer?"

During deep introspection, I concluded that even though I've hosted two live seminars, hosted dozens of teleseminars, spoken at dozens of events to include internationally, written four successful physical books, coach dozens of people, have created roughly 100 of my own products, and own/manage over 1600 websites, I may indeed by a "B-Level marketer."

The answer to the second question is because I connect more with my customers than with many of the "A-Level marketers."

Let me explain...

Most successful Internet marketers readily acknowledge that MOST people who buy our products and services will not use them. They buy them, looking for magic solutions, begin to go through them, and then get distracted and go off in search of easier magic solutions. That's a fact, and there is really nothing that we can do about it. We can only provide our marketplace with products and services that would actually solve their problems IF the customers actually used them.

I am a "B-Level marketer" because I don't press my customers as hard as I could to avail themselves of my products and services. People like Jay Abraham teach that if you're absolutely convinced that your product or service will improve your clients' lives, then you have a moral obligation to get those products or services into their hands. I agree with that, but again, stop short of really pushing them to do what I honestly believe is best for them.

The Internet marketing world is awash in hyperbole (hype), and I simply try not to add too much to the "noise!" I know that people make buying decisions based upon emotion and then later try to justify that buying decisions with logic. I understand the hot buttons, can write powerful copy, and have even won affiliate sales contests.

My faults, that keep me from being an "A-Level marketer are:

1) I know what it feels like to juggle bills and not answer the phone when creditors are hounding you. So I don't want to push people in that situation into spending money on things that they are just going to stick on the shelf... even when I know that those things can change their lives.

2) I know what it feels like to be trapped by poverty and have that feeling of complete hopelessness. I wrote of this in my autobiography, "Git Off The Porch"... which you can read about at So, again, I don't push people to buy things that they need but are unlikely to use! Incidentally, I wrote that biography to inspire people who find themselves in this exact situation. I do that by showing that I was in the same situation, and yet I now live a life that is beyond many people ability to imagine.

Finally, I'm a "B-Level marketer" because of the purpose I have chosen for my life. I see my natural purpose in this universe as being to be of service to others. To me that makes being an Internet marketer much more than a job or career... it makes it "a calling." My calling is to teach those willing to put in the work... how to actually build a successful online business.

So there you have, "Why I'm A B-Level Marketer!" I honestly hope that you will strive to be one too, and in the process help many people to achieve financial independence and their other dreams.

Willie Crawford has taught thousands how to build successful online businesses since late-1996. His membership site contains over 40 interviews of leading online marketers sharing their views on "How To Break Into The Internet Marketing Inner Circle." You can access those powerful and shocking interviews at: Blog63179
Ariel Blog31543

Low Rate Unsecured LoanCheap, Cheaper, and Relatively Cheapest

Nobody wishes to hamper anything valuable in lieu to availing a loan. It can prove to be deadly at times, if it goes into wrong hands. No matter, there are men and men but every stone is not a gem. Lenders offer various loans, but these loans sometimes cost a bit more- a bit more due to not arranging collateral at the time of security procedure. Taking stock of the situation, the lending authority has provisioned various lenders with the offer of low cost unsecured loan. This loan contains no collateral placing at all, but loan package contains a sum of 25, 000 at it best.

For, many lenders have decided to offer low cost unsecured loan on their respective sites. Since online method not only provides a prior knowledge about this low rate unsecured loan in advance, but also gives many other lending options too. More so, on comparing various loans with low cost unsecured loan, an individual can easily understand the fluctuation in the money market online regarding this loan.

However, non-placing under this loan automatically increases the cost of this loan, in order to qualifying the insurance of the low cost unsecured loan, borrowers fix a shorter repayment period. This repayment period ranges in between 5-10 years. Owing to the presence of too many lenders gives out competitive environment in the money market. With this strong competition amongst lenders, borrowers get good chances of getting a comparative low rate unsecured loan deal.

No matter of individuals credit history i.e., CCJs, IVAs, bankrupts, arrears, and defaulters too can avail the facility of the low rate unsecured loan without any financial distinction. More so, no need of collateral placing arouses the financial greed of individuals having in tenancy and non-homeowners too.

Increasing demand of the low cost unsecured loan has started ripening the money market with its provisions and facilities. And above all, the cost effective rates that has so well designed to assist individuals as that may financial feasible to the borrowers.

Simon Peyton has done his masters in finance from CPIT. He is engaged in providing free, professional, and independent advice to the residents of the UK. He works for the Loans Fiesta. For any type of Low Rate Unsecured Loan, secured loans, secured auto loans, bad credit secured loans, unsecured personal loans visit Blog38828
Alexi Blog30192

How To Choose A Prepaid Cell Phone

There are many important aspects to consider when contemplating becoming a prepaid cell phone user. You should ask yourself what your needs, concerns, and wants are, and although this may take some effort, your effort will be rewarded with a great prepaid cell phone handset and plan. It is important to have all of this information so that you can compare differences and figure out what will best suit you personally. Although some carriers may not want you to have access to all of this information due to competition, you can attain access and find the answers that you need in order to make the best decision for you.

Important things to take consideration of are the following:

* Cost. It is important to try and break down the pricing as much as possible. It is best if you can narrow it down to per minute charges. Do not forget to also include fees. There may be certain day usage fees, or you may be charged more for your first minute per day than for the rest of them.

* Cell Phone Handset. It is important to love your cell phone, or else you will not want to keep it with you and the plan is pointless. It is a common misconception that you cannot get a decent phone with prepaid plans, but due to the number of major carriers who are now offering prepaid there are many phone options. Make sure that the phone you purchase has all of the necessary features that you want and need.

* Technology Leveling. Prepaid cell phone plans now offer picture messaging, text messaging, video messaging, flip phones, color screens, and many other wonderful amenities. Make sure that you consider all of the charges associated with these added benefits. The different prices range, but they can all be broken down to per usage charges.

* Extra Cost. Remember to also factor in the cost per usage for things such as 411 calling, international charges, long distance, and roaming charges.

* Minute Expiration. Providers sometimes set expiration dates on the purchased minutes. Be sure to know and understand how their system works so that you do not purchase minutes that you will not get to use. Oftentimes providers require you to purchase a certain amount of minutes per month, but some offer longer periods of time.

Each one of these aspects is important when determining which prepaid cell phone provider you are going to choose. It is important also to remember that you can get a phone with all the feature and amenities that you seek, and typically for much less. Deals, sales, and discounts are prevalent in the market, and are often easily found on the internet or through other ads. Take the time to compare the different amenities and costs, and make the right decision the first time.

Shelly Walther has written several articles on prepaid cell phones. She has researched many different options and understands how prepaid can benefit users. You can see more of her work, including more articles on prepaid cell phones, at and Blog41818
Annabelle Blog89673

A Guide to Buying a Property in Cyprus


The Cyprus Property Market

Cyprus is one of the more popular real estate markets in the world. Activity in the real estate market in Cyprus is brisk, including foreign nationals who buy and sell real estate Non-Cypriots have been involved in all areas of the real estate market. Foreign nationals have been found to invest in commercial, investment and residential real estate in all areas of the country.

Most industry experts maintain that the real estate market in Cyprus should continue to do a brisk business well into the coming decade. With the entry of Cyprus into the European Union, more and more foreign nationals from EU member states likely will become involved in the Cypriot real estate market.

There are no prohibitions on foreign nationals purchasing real estate in Cyprus. However, and as will be discussed in greater detail shortly, a foreign national must obtain prior permission from a Cypriot governmental agency in advance of making the purchase of real estate in that country. Generally speaking, this approval is relatively easy to obtain -- although the process of obtaining the permission can be rather time consuming

Investment Property in Cyprus

One of the primary areas that foreign nationals have become involved when it comes to real estate investment in Cyprus is in the resort and vacation property arena. Cyprus remains a very popular destination for people on holiday. As a result, foreign nationals have taken to buying apartments, single family residences and hotel properties which in turn are utilized by men and women on holiday.

Over the course of the past decade, a number of foreign nationals have profited dearly through investments in real estate used for vacation or holiday purposes in Cyprus. Indeed, because this type of venture has proven so profitable for some foreign nationals, these men and women have taken to purchasing and investing in multiple property holdings in Cyprus. Again, and has been noted, this is particular true in the area of investment in properties that are intended to be used for vacation or holiday purposes.

Residential Real Estate in Cyprus - Single Family Properties

A significant number of foreign nationals have established second homes and vacation residences in Cyprus over the course of the past thirty years. The trend towards purchasing second residences and holiday homes in Cyprus continues on to this day.

One of the more recent occurrences in regard to holiday or vacation homes in Cyprus involves the creation of significant developments that are designed exclusively for people who want gracious residences on Cyprus. These developments in many instances are taking the form of gated communities for the security conscious foreign national who wants to idle away part of the year in Cyprus.

In addition, some foreign nationals have determined the benefit of purchasing older residences in the country and embarking on improvement and remodeling campaigns to bring them up to date. In some instances, these men and women are rehabbing properties and putting them back on the market -- making nice profits in the process.

Residential Real Estate in Cyprus - Apartments

The Cypriot apartment market is bustling in the 21st century. With Cyprus movement into the EU, a significant number of foreign nationals from other EU nations are finding themselves in the country with some degree of regularity. In this regard, many of these business men and women have turned to spending a significant amount of time in Cyprus each and every year. Rather than hole up in a hotel, these men and women have taken to purchasing apartments in Cyprus.

Some of these business minded people have gone so far as to rent or lease out their apartment properties when they are not in the country on business -- making their apartments an income generating enterprise.

In some resort communities, men and women from foreign countries have purchased apartments for vacation and holiday purposes. There is a wide range of different types of apartments of available for sale in resort areas in Cyprus.

Holiday Property in Cyprus

As referenced previously, vacation real estate sales in Cyprus is brisk business in the 21st century. One area in which foreign nationals have been active in the market is the purchase and ownership of single family, free standing residences on the island. These types of residences generally do come with some fairly hefty price tags.

In addition to larger residences that are being purchased with regularity by foreign nationals, many foreign nationals have taken to purchasing holiday apartments in the country. In some instances, these foreign nationals have turned these types of property into something of a lucrative investment. For example, when they are not in residence in Cyprus, these men and woman are turning around and leasing out these holiday residences to other individuals -- including many foreign nationals -- who then use these residences for their own holiday purposes

Mortgage Options

When considering the options for a mortgage on your overseas property there are a couple of choices to consider;

Do you consider raising finance on your existing property in the UK to cover the whole cost of your purchase abroad? A good idea if the interest rate in the country in question is a lot higher than it is here in the UK as you will pay a lot less in monthly repayments.

Do you secure a mortgage against the property from a local bank in the country of purchase? This can be a wise option especially if the interest rate is lower than our current UK interest rate. Most overseas mortgage / bank lenders will require upto 30% deposit on mortgages. However, you will need to give some thought to how you will service your mortgage payments each month especially if you are not living or earning in that country as you may well lose out on exchanging money each time to cover monthly expenses. Check out our Foreign Currency page to see how you can save money in this example

Some Builders and developers may well offer their own mortgage facilities on their properties for sale. This can be beneficial to both parties depending on the logistics of the mortgage or loan facility. Always check and compare with the two options above before making your final descision.

For more details on Mortgages in Cyprus visit our Mortgage page in the Cyprus section.

Specific steps to buying real estate property in Cyprus

The initial step that a foreign national must take before he or she can purchase real estate in Cyprus is obtaining approval from the government. Specifically, a foreign national must require permission to purchase real estate in the country from the Council of Ministers. A would-be purchaser of real estate in Cyprus needs to keep in mind that the process of obtaining approval from the Council of Ministers can take from between eight to fourteen months. A would-be purchaser also needs to appreciate that if he or she makes the purchase of real estate without the prior approval of the Council of Ministers, a title deed will not be able to issue transferring ownership of the real estate to the foreign national.

While the process of obtaining permission from the Council of Ministers is not a matter of overnight approval, the process itself is not difficult. The Council has taken steps to make the process as easy as possible for a foreign national seeking to purchase real estate in Cyprus. Time consuming in some ways, the application and approval process is not difficult to maneuver through.

Once approval is obtained from the Council of Ministers, the next step in buying real estate in the country -- once a piece of real estate has been identified for purchase -- is signing of the preliminary contract. At the time this agreement is executed, a holding deposit is posted with either a lawyer or a notary.

When the holding deposit is paid, a companion reservation deposit agreement also is executed. In point of fact, it is the deposit and this secondary agreement. The property is then taking off the market and remains in that position for the time spelled out in these agreements. Provided that the terms of the preliminary agreement are satisfied, the property will not return to the marketplace.

The deposit that is lodged in Cyprus normally is as low as 1%. The parties can negotiate a particular deposit amount -- but, in most instances, the standard deposit is in the amount of 1% of the overall purchase price of the real estate that is being sold. The remaining balance due and owing on the overall purchase price will then be due and owing at the time of the execution of the final contract, which will be discussed shortly.

During the period of time that follows the execution of the initial, preliminary agreement, the lawyer who has been appointed to oversee the transaction will investigate the status of the title the real estate through the District Land Registry Office.

Following this period of investigation into the status of the title, and provided that the buyer has obtained appropriate financing, the parties move onward to the execution of a final contract. It is at this juncture that the closing of the real estate transaction in Cyprus becomes rather complex when contrasted with what occurs in many other countries around the world.

When the final contract is signed by the parties, the contract itself is filed with the Land Registry Office to prevent the same piece of real estate from being sold a second time. An application is then made to the Central Bank of Cyprus to approve the transfer of funds for the purchase of the real estate. (This approval is not necessary if both the seller and buyer happen to be foreign nationals. However, it is required if at least one party to the transaction is a Cypriot.)

The title will be transferred to the buyer at this juncture and the buyer will be entitled to possession the real estate. It is important to note that if the real estate is newly developed, the title itself will not issue for upwards to three years after the signing of the final contract. With that said, the buyer is protected because of the filing of the final contract with the District Land Registry Office.

There will be some different taxes due and owing -- and paid by the purchaser -- after the signing of the final contract. However, these taxes are not particularly costly or significant.

Property Abroad always recommends using a Solicitor or Lawyer.

Les Calvert - the Director of often writes articles and information on the overseas property market. Visit their site with useful information and properties for sale in Cyprus Blog33326
Barry Blog65485

Conquering The World And Beyond, G.I. Joe, the Original Real American Hero

G.I. Joes popularity is unquestionable. By his thirtieth birthday he had battled COBRA, helped expel drugs, saved the environment and helped educated children all over the world. He had survived near extinction due to petroleum costs and rallied back to be the greatest selling action hero in history. One might think it was time for this soldier to retreat from the line of battle and become a boot camp instructor, but not G.I. Joe, he still has battles to win.

With the popularity of G.I. Joe, collectors were everywhere. The action figures were popular not only with kids at the playground, but also with big time collectors who would do anything to get their hands on a 1964 original. In light of the collectors craze, Hasbro introduced the G.I. Joe Classic Collection that was similar to the original toy, but cam with a wide range of authentically detailed military themes and personnel from around the world. These new 12-inch figures include the U.S. Airborne Ranger Parachutist, French Foreign Legion, U.S. Army Infantry, British SAS, and the Australian O.D.F. These figures also came with original hand painted artwork and narrative stories about the missions, history, and contributions of that particular G.I. JOE.

In keeping up with the rules and regulations of the Unites States Armed Forces, G.I. Joe introduced its first G.I. Joe female action figure in 1997. Her name was G.I. Jane. G.I. Jane was not the first female action figure in the G.I. Joe family, she was proceeded by G.I. Nurse who was introduced in 1967, but did not have the appeal of the soldier she would be caring for.

The G.I. Joe Classic Collection kept strong through 1998 when 20 new figures were added to the Collection. Some of these figures included Hollywood Heroes, American Presidents, Army and Navy football players in game uniforms and a Holiday Salute. By this time there were animated cartoons, comic books and even G.I. Joe movies.

G.I. Joe has been popular for over half a century with American children, as well as other children around the world and pop culture collectors. G.I. Joe shows no sign of losing popularity and is regarded as the greatest action figure ever produced. Keep your eye out for more innovative trends, new enemies and fearless leadership from G.I. Joe in years to come.

John Gibb is the owner of Action Figure resources, For more information on Action Figures check out http://www.Action-figures-guides1k.infoBerti Blog6630
Casie Blog9637

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